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ETF Mining Truck Manual PDF

ETF Mining Truck Manual PDF
ETF Mining Truck Manual PDF
ETF Mining Truck Manual PDF.pdf
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ETF 190 Mining Truck
ETF Mining Truck

Review of ETF Mining Trucks

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The design project of a dump truck and a road train based on its ETF company has a number of innovations that provide a cheaper cost of transporting tons of cargo, 12% increased productivity, 25% fuel savings, and therefore lower construction costs and environmental benefits.


The chassis of the new dump truck has four-wheel drive, and all wheels are steerable. Several engines. According to the plan, all major components change in 15 minutes (engine, tires, axles - in 60 minutes). The modular design allows you to create a wide range of trucks with a carrying capacity of 88-240 tons with a number of axles from 2 to 5 and more.


Each component can be replaced: engines, gearbox, drive, axles, suspensions, wheels, tires, brakes, frames. ETF offers an innovative frame solution - a monorail frame. Unlike serial trucks, where the frame is higher than the axles, in the ETF concept, the frame passes between the axles.


The question of delivering the truck to the quarry is interestingly resolved - it is packaged unassembled in standard ISO containers and transported in any accessible way to the assembly site.


Another interesting feature is that trucks can be combined into road trains, thus increasing the total load carrying capacity to 870 tons.

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