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LDV Truck Fault Codes DTC

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LDV Truck Fault Codes DTC


                  Fault path - Tool Description - DTC Description - FMI


P 0645

MAX Short circuit

MIN Short circuit to ground

1 Dfp ACCDCmpr A / C clutch relay circuit

Sig Open circuit

Npl Excess current

MAX ECU analogic / digital converter error

MAX ECU analogic / digital converter

CU Analogic / Digital Converter 2 Dfp ADCMon


P 1602

Error Max ECU analogic / digital converter error

Max ECU analogic / digital converter error

Max Voltage too hig 3 Dfp_APP1 ACC Pedal Position Sensor 1


P 0120

Min Voltage too low

Sig Not used

Npl Not used

Max Voltage too high

Min Voltage too low

4 Dfp_APP2 ACC Pedal Position Sensor 2

P 0220

Sig Not used

Npl Not used

NPL Dev. Between sen.1e2 volt. Too

5 Dfp_APPSync ACC Pedal Position Sensor SYNC


P 0221 

high Max Voltage too high

6 Dfp_APSCD Barometric Pressure Sensor



Min Voltage too low

Sig Not used

Npl Not plausible with boost pressure

ACC Pedal Position / Brake not

7 Dfp_AccPedPlausBrk


P 2299 Npl Not plausible

Max Voltage too high

Min Voltage too low

8 Dfp_BPSCD Boost pressure sensor


P 0235

Npl Not used

Npl Not plausible with barometr.press. sens.

Max Voltage too high

Min Voltage too low

9 Dfp_BattCD ECU voltage


P 0560

Sig Not used

Npl Not used

 P 0504   

Fault Reaction Managemen

Sig Breake signal is defective

10 Dfp_BrkCD Brake signal                                           


P 0115 sensor Sig  Not used

Npl  Not used

Max  Short circuit

Engine coolant temperature Min  Short circuit

12  Dfp_CTSCDOut                                          


P 1603 sensor output   Sig  Short circuit to ground

Npl  Open circuit

EGR solenoid circuit short circuit                                                             

13 Dfp_EGRCD_Max                                          


P 0406 Max  Short circuit to battery

to battery EGR solenoid circuit short circuit

14 Dfp_EGRCD_Min                                          


P 0405 Min Short circuit to ground                                  

Sig Open circuit

15  Dfp_EGRCD_SigNpl            EGR solenoid circuit      


P 0404                                                              

Npl Excessive current

Max No camshaft signal

16  Dfp_EngMCaS1                Camshaft position sensor circuit 

P 0340

Min Wrong camshaft signal

Max No crankshaft signal

17  Dfp_EngMCrS1                Crankshaft position sensor circuit  


P 0335                                        

Min Wrong crankshaft signal

Camshaft / Crankshaft position

18 Dfp_EngMOfsCaSCrS                                      


P 0008 Max Value out of limits sensor offset

Max  Voltage too high                                          

19  Dfp_FTSCD                   Fuel temperature sensor    


P 0180

Min  Voltage too low

Fan control -relay 1 short circuit to

20 Dfp_FanCD_F1Max                                        


P 0692 Max Short circuit  battery

Fan control -relay 1 short circuit to

21 Dfp_FanCD_F1Min                                        


P 0691

Min Short circuit to ground      

Sig Open circuit                                   

22  Dfp_FanCD_F1SigNpl          Fan control -relay 1 short circuit  


P 0480

Npl Excessive current

Max  Short circuit

Min  Short circuit to ground

23  Dfp_FanCD_F2                Fan control -relay 2 short circuit

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