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MAHINDRA Tractor Manuals PDF

Mahindra ML114 Loader Manual
Mahindra ML114 Loader Manual
Mahindra ML114 Loader Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.4 MB
Mahindra ML170 Loader Manual
Mahindra ML170 Loader Manual
Mahindra ML170 Loader Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.2 MB
Mahindra Tractor 4510C Parts Catalogue
Mahindra Tractor 4510C Parts Catalogue
Mahindra Tractor 4510C Parts Catalogue.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.5 MB

Mahindra 575-DI

History of Mahindra Tractors

Some MAHINDRA Tractor Manuals PDF above the page - ML, 4510C.


Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, 400001 Mumbai, India


The history of this automobile brand begins during the WW2, when the two brothers Mahindra decided to establish an automobile production in India.


One of the two brothers, John, at the time, was the head of the Indian diplomatic mission in Washington. For business, he quit his diplomatic career and founded Mahindra and Mohammed.

The second brother, Clark, at the same time held the post of First Deputy Minister of Finance of Pakistan. He joined in the implementation of his brother's plans.


Having signed a contract with Willis, they began the production of Indian counterparts of this famous all-terrain vehicle.


The first car they managed to release only in 1965.


In addition, Mahindra is engaged in the production of tractors and other agricultural equipment.

Comments: 2
  • #2

    John (Wednesday, 31 January 2024 14:41)

    I have a 6530 Mahindra tractor that smokes in the morning for 10 or 15 minutes when I crank it up. I think the cold starts only available is not working properly. What do I have to do to remove it and replace it?

  • #1

    Lynn Early (Saturday, 28 October 2023 17:51)

    Looking for user Manuel for mahindra 2660